Your product materials success tool

Our years of experience allow us to meet your needs. You are the expert on your product; we bring expertise to help you make your product better. This includes everything from standard quality assurance testing to choosing better materials to make your product shine.

Whether you know what materials characterization analyses you need, or you want our years of materials experience consulting, we’re here to help. With 81% of our clients being repeat customers, our clients prove we are the right solution. Why? We work intimately with each client to learn about their products, processes, needs, and goals. Through an in-depth understanding of each client, we provide customized services on a world-class level.

BeoWolf works with laboratories across North America and Asia to meet your product needs where they are. We have a simple onboarding process to expedite your testing and free your time to allow you to focus on what you know best.

We look forward to working together for your materials consulting and materials analysis needs.

Learn more about our Testing and Development Consulting Services.

Learn more about our Materials Characterization Analytical Services.

Ready to talk? We’re ready to listen.

Your Product Materials Success Tool